Data policy
Raw data
Raw data stored in the main IA2 archive have a proprietary period of one year. After this period, data will be accessible by everyone within the Italian community. More information concerning the LBT Data dissemination policy is available here.
Reduced data
Reduced data stored at LSC in Monte Porzio Catone and eventual mirrors have no expiration of the proprietary period. This means that whoever wants to use the data needs explicit permission of the PI.
Italian scientist making use of reduced data from the LSC facility, are kindly requested to add a footnote acknowledging the support from LBT Italia, like: We acknowledge the support from the LBT-Italian Coordination Facility for the execution of observations, data distribution and reduction.
Adding LBT Italia co-authors
We ask you to consider the possibility of adding as co-authors of papers based on LBT data, a couple of scientists belonging to the LBT-ITALIA team. This is to give visibility to the people who do this job with dedication, often well beyond their duty, and to give them an award that can be added to the curricula. All the PIs that would like to consider this suggestion can contact the Italian Coordinator ( to have the list of suitable names in their case.
In order to facilitate the publication of data from LBT, we would kindly ask your feedback about the data quality, i.e. if requirements have been met or which observations have to be repeated.